Thursday, May 15, 2008

Toilet Educational Video

Just so you all know, I wasn't using the toilet during the making of this video. I was sitting on it, but not using it. Just wanted to clarify that.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You are special! - Debbie

I'm jealous..! - Amy

Mindy said...

umm...WOW!!!...once again you post a video and I am truly at a loss for words. Do I claim you as my brother or do I secretly hope that this video somehow makes it to YouTube for the world to enjoy?

DR said...

you think I can have one of my very own one day?!?!

me said...

Wow... this was so informative! My roomies loved the how to video too... great to know if i ever meet a toilet like this.

Paula said...

WOWSERS, Juriga~I was left speechless and that doesn't happen often! I have to say I laughed out loud, though! So one question remains in my they have dryers for your bum as well? I mean-you have just had a mini shower and your bum is wet, you have to dry off somehow for wet undies is no fun, even if it is a result of clean bum water!

Paul said...


Just think of all the people that would be out of work here in the states IF we didn't use toilet paper. Thousands would be out of work and a millions of dollar business would be washed down the toilet. So, happy wipping in the states!

me said...

Well... am glad to find that you are still so humble.

yu said...

I haven't seen you for years and...then I opened this video clip..and you!you are in the toilet..
You are Jarod,Jarod!
Glad you look happy and you are enjoying Japanese culture;)-yumi

>paula yes, some toilets have dryers as well...japanese are creative, aren't we!?