Sunday, February 17, 2008

Orientation #1

I've finally settled in here at orientation in Virginia. Some days have been harder than others, but there have been some enjoyable moments as well. Please pray for me that I'll balance my time wisely while I am here. There is a lot of stuff to do and not a whole lot of time to do it. Anyway, here is some things you should know about FPO (Field Personnel Orientation):

1. Our daily routine includes eating, sitting in a chair for 4 hours, eating, sitting in a chair for 4 hours, and eating again. Trust me, it is not nearly as exciting as it sounds.

2. I tried to fight falling asleep during some of our early sessions. Now I just go ahead and put my head down on the table in front of me.

3. We spent an hour talking about Malaria the other day. Surprisingly I stayed awake for that entire session.

4. I'm not the only person here going to Japan. There is a girl who is the same age as me going to serve with one of the teams in Tokyo. It's nice to have at least one other person going to the same country as I am.

5. My car made it out here safely, but shortly after arriving it became sick again. It still drives okay, but it doesn't always start when I turn the key in the ignition.

Hope all is well in all of your lives. Jarod

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