So I've begun to settle into a little rhythm here in Utsunomiya. I finally got my apartment setup so that it's a little more livable. I don't need much to live on and so I don't think I'll ever amass too much in the apartment, but at least it actually does look like someone lives in it now. I'm also learning a little more about the city the longer I'm here as well.
I've been in language study now for about four weeks. I've enjoyed getting back into the study of the Japanese language. The sad part though is that in the first three weeks we covered everything that I already knew, and so now we are already into new grammar, vocabulary, etc... I should have worked harder when studying the language in college. The best part about the language study so far though is without a doubt my Japanese language teacher, Takako sensei. I may be a little biased, but I think she's the best Japanese language teacher in the world. In the very least she's the best one I've ever had. She's a believer of Jesus Christ, and she just happens to be one of the nicest people I've ever met. She not only helps me with language study, but she's also helped me with some other things, like knowing what is a bill and not a bill, how to pay your bills, and how to buy a bus ticket to the airport, among other things. I'll take a picture of her soon and post it here on the blog. She's always sooo cheerful and she has made the language study a lot fun.
I've also begun the process of taking the exams to get my Japanese driver's license. I took the driving test today for the first time and failed colorfully. The typical number of times I hear it takes a foreigner to get their license here in Japan is between 4-6 times. They are very strict and I'm sure this is there way of sticking it to the foreigners. It's just another in a long line of "You're not Japanese, and we are here to remind you of that fact" moments that one experiences in Japan. I think I actually got marked down today for sneezing while driving. Out of the 35 people taking the test today, 2 lucky ones passed. 32 of that 35 were there taking the test for anywhere between the 2nd and 8th times. One of the people who passed was a young American girl from California. She told me not to get too down, because although she passed today, it was her sixth time taking the test. So please pray that I'll pass the test soon. Every time one goes and takes the test you have to sign in at 9:30, register between 10-11, and then you can't take the actual driving test until between 1-3. So it's a full day of sitting at the facility, just to fail. If I don't pass for a while please also pray that God will give me patience in dealing with the people at the facility. I'm taking it again next Thursday (6-19). I'm sure I won't pass, and if I don't I'm looking at taking 3 weeks off before taking the test 3 weeks straight beginning in mid-July.
Finally, our region for the mission board has meetings in Southeast Asia beginning next week. I'll be out of Japan for 12 days, so please pray for safe travel and good fellowship with other missionaries during that time.
Here are some pictures for your enjoyment: